Practice of Values ​​to Improve Coexistence between Significant Adults of Hospitalized Girls and Boys


  • Teresita Villasmil “Simón Rodríguez” National Experimental University (SRNEU)
  • Eva Pasek “Simón Rodríguez” National Experimental University (UNESR)


Values, coexistence, significant adults, conflicts, hospitalized children


With the hospitalization of a son or daughter, there is a disruption in family life and a disorganization of the parents, unable to control their feelings, which produces a change in their behavior. Hence, this research had the purpose of applying training and reflective tools to improve the coexistence of significant adults who accompany girls and boys hospitalized in the Pediatric Service of the “Dr. Pedro Emilio Carrillo” located in the Valera municipality, Trujillo state, where the personnel who work in that medical service and the significant adults or companions of the girls and boys participated.


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How to Cite

Villasmil, T., & Pasek, E. (2024). Practice of Values ​​to Improve Coexistence between Significant Adults of Hospitalized Girls and Boys. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(4), 151–160. Retrieved from


