Management of Knowledge in Courses
Based on The Web of The University
National Open. a Space for
Share Knowledge


  • Margely Moreno National Open University (NOU)


Knowledge management, learning, web-based courses, exchange of knowledge


The purpose of the study is to design a knowledge management model of web-based courses (CBW), leading to postgraduate studies at the National Open University. The purposes of this investigation are: a) To determine the necessary elements of the instructional design for a CBW; b) Select the criteria required to manage knowledge in a CBW; c) Develop a knowledge management model in CBW. Theoretically, it is based on the sociocultural approach of Vigostky and the paradigm of collaborative learning. The research is classified as descriptive, the design is field with documentary support.


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How to Cite

Moreno, M. (2024). Management of Knowledge in Courses
Based on The Web of The University
National Open. a Space for
Share Knowledge. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(2), 57–66. Retrieved from


