The School Integration - Community of La
Urbanization Jorge Hernández
an Experience from The Approach


  • Florentino Sánez Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (LEPU)
  • Víctor Reyes Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University (LEPU)


School-community integration, communicative approach, educational-community management, exchange of knowledge


The purpose of this research was to promote the integration between the Bolivarian School Benedicto Mármol (EBBM) and the community of the Jorge Hernández Urbanization (CUJH), based on a communicative approach. A diagnosis was made in order to analyze the existing integration mechanisms, the forms of participation in the elaboration of the Comprehensive Community Education Project (PEIC) and identify the means of dissemination of the educational work carried out by the EBBM. The design of the research is based on the qualitative paradigm and the Participatory Action Research method.


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How to Cite

Sánez, F., & Reyes, V. (2024). The School Integration - Community of La
Urbanization Jorge Hernández
an Experience from The Approach
Communicative. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(2), 85–94. Retrieved from


