Action of Disinfectants on the Production of Biopelicles of Cepas of Staphylococcus Aureus from Food Manipulators


  • Isabel Mujica University of Zulia (UOZ)
  • Irene Zabala University of Zulia (UOZ)
  • Jhoandry Rivera University of Zulia (UOZ)


Staphylococcus aureus, manipulation, food, biofilms, disinfectant


It was demonstrated by statistical analysis that there was no significant correlation when compared with the Congo Red Agar (RCA) method and in the test tube (r = 0.4589, p <0.05) and between the RCA and TPC method (r = 0.2120, p> 0.05). It was evidenced that iodine was the disinfectant that had the best inhibitory effect of biofilms, in comparison with quaternary ammonium and sodium hypochlorite, being of great significance for the food industry since it is an effective and effective alternative for the sanitization of hands of food handlers.


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How to Cite

Mujica, I., Zabala, I., & Rivera, J. (2024). Action of Disinfectants on the Production of Biopelicles of Cepas of Staphylococcus Aureus from Food Manipulators. Observador Del Conocimiento, 1(1), 143–154. Retrieved from


