Evaluation of nutritional status, eating behavior and lipid profile as cardiovascular risk factors in an adult population


  • Mariangeles Bolívar Central University of Venezuela (CUoV)
  • Jean Vargas Military Hospital "Dr. Carlos Arvelo" (MHDCA)
  • Mary Lares Military Hospital "Dr. Carlos Arvelo" (MHDCA)
  • Jorge Castro Military Hospital "Dr. Carlos Arvelo" (MHDCA)
  • Sara Brito Military Hospital "Dr. Carlos Arvelo" (MHDCA)


Lipidic profile, blood pressure, nutritional condition, productos cárnicos, Saturated fats


The objective of the present work is to evaluate eating behavior, nutritional status and lipid profile of an adult population as predisposing factors for cardiovascular diseases. Methods: 80 adults between 18 and 72 years old who attended the Cardiovascular Risk Screening Sessions of the "Dr. Carlos Arvelo" Military Hospital were evaluated: they underwent nutritional and biochemical evaluation of the lipid profile and blood pressure measurement. Results: 68.75% of those evaluated had BMI greater than 25 and 62.5% had waist values ​​greater than normal estimates, likewise 75% were found outside the satisfactory range for the percentage of caloric adequacy.


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How to Cite

Bolívar , M., Vargas, J., Lares , M., Castro, J., & Brito, S. (2024). Evaluation of nutritional status, eating behavior and lipid profile as cardiovascular risk factors in an adult population. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(1), 34–40. Retrieved from https://revistaoc.oncti.gob.ve/index.php/odc/article/view/660


