Maturity Model as an innovative concept for social management in Venezuela
Maturity Model; social management; project management; citizen participationAbstract
The purpose of the study is to generate a Maturity Model for Government Project Management (MMGPG), as an innovative concept in the Social Management of public administration in Venezuela. In practice, there is no fully mature organization or institution; none could reach a state of maximum development. Therefore, it is a matter of reaching a certain degree of maturity and making an effort to measure or characterize this in the institutions and point out the critical points in order to maintain a continuous process of improvement. The method responds to the interpretative perspective, the key informants were selected according to their role, their specialist status and the privileged access to information on the Social Missions, the in-depth interview was used. The findings show 09 categories and 58 emerging meanings; the interpretation is carried out through triangulation, confronting them with the theoretical references, revealing gaps in the knowledge of management capacities and competencies, as well as in the sustainability of governmental projects. It is concluded with the maturity model for the Management of Governmental Projects (MMGPG) that incorporates the citizen participation which implies in itself a transforming action, which highlights the Social Actor as promoter in the concretion of the governmental action, as well as the evaluation of the best practices that are adapted for the measurement of the aspects related to the planning, organization, direction and control, as processes for the development of the organizational direction of the project and the sustainability of the management in the time.
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