Significant experiences of social integration of students in the extension region centro-sur


  • Adriana María Pérez Cedeño University of Oriente
  • Águeda María Caraballo Ramos University of Oriente
  • Lourdes Claret Martínez Pérez University of Oriente
  • Cecilia del Valle Marcano Molano University of Oriente


textual production, social integration, university students



In the universities they begin to promote policies aimed at eliminating discrimination, promoting balance and spaces for community, social and educational participation. For this reason, university social integration is promoted as a pedagogical strategy. This research responds to ^ how to incorporate university students into their discursive community ?, since they are conceived as young people with a particular history and a complex social life, who are incorporated in a different way to the higher education system. For this, the intercultural resource "rap" is used in the academic practice of textual compositions by new students in the South-Central Extension Region of the Universidad de Oriente, a form of creative expression they prefer to manifest culture and image.This work is inserted in the content analysis, assesses the themes for the social-scientific expression in a randomly selected corpus, and interprets the compositions as an aesthetic representation of the reality in which it arises, transferring their experiences and experiences. Therefore, in addition to communicate, they identify with this musical genre, because its main purpose is to provoke reactions. Then, this strategy allows us to serve a heterogeneous population both academically and culturally, and university students can recognize as any artistic expression, the musical text resulting from this interpretation, which has a social impact on a given social group; This experience is significant because it gives them the opportunity to reflect on their formation process and to deepen the construction of a new model of society.


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How to Cite

Pérez Cedeño , A. M., Caraballo Ramos , Águeda M., Martínez Pérez, L. C., & Marcano Molano, C. del V. (2023). Significant experiences of social integration of students in the extension region centro-sur. Observador Del Conocimiento, 3(4), 19–25. Retrieved from


