Use of irrigation water by low spraying maize rotation - caraota in an inceptisol del Valle del Tucutunemo


  • Bestalia Flores National University Rómulo Gallegos Experimental (NURGE)
  • Jairo Ferrer National University Rómulo Gallegos Experimental (NURGE)
  • Carmen Rincón National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)
  • Francisco Hernández Central University of Venezuela (CUV)


Irrigation, evapotranspiration, water deficit, water management


The efficiency in the use of irrigation water (EUAR) in a caraota-corn rotation with sprinkler irrigation was evaluated in the plot of the Cooperative "Valles de Tucutunemo III" of Zamora municipality, Aragua state, Venezuela. The life zone is Tropical Dry Forest, with average annual rainfall of 1,029 mm, comprised mostly between May and November, relative humidity of 70% and average annual temperature of 25o C.


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How to Cite

Flores, B., Ferrer, J., Rincón, C., & Hernández, F. (2024). Use of irrigation water by low spraying maize rotation - caraota in an inceptisol del Valle del Tucutunemo. Observador Del Conocimiento, 2(5), 191–201. Retrieved from


